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Welcome to StoryTime!


Virtual reading of children's books in 11 languages! StoryTime at any time! For all children to enjoy -- whether at home, in the classroom, or in a car. Stories are available 24 hours a day. 

Listen or read along with us to enjoy the magic of StoryTime through a phone, tablet, or laptop!

StoryTime is brought to you by the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine

chapter of the Student National Dental Association (SNDA). 

Reading Literacy Facts

The Achievement Gap

Developing literacy skills at an early age has important implications. Exposing children to reading prior to entering kindergarten helps to reduce the achievement gap. Children who enter school without early reading exposure often fall behind their peers. Research shows the gap created before kindergarten typically follows them year after year. So students who are behind, stay behind.

Reading and Academics 

Over 85% of an elementary school curriculum is taught by reading. Reading is important for children to gain information from books, computers, worksheets, and boards. 

Children who are not reading on their grade level after third grade are more likely to struggle academically year after year. 

Benefits of Reading 

Research shows multiple benefits are associated with reading. Some benefits include 

  • Supported cognitive development

  • Improved language skills

  • Preparation for academic success

  • Developing a special bond with your child

  • Increased concentration and discipline

  • Improved imagination and creativity

Social Determinants of Health and Reading 

Socioeconomic status influences child literacy levels.

  • As of 2019, about 1 in 7 children or 14.4% of children live in poverty (Children's Defense Fund, 2021)

  • 71% of children in poverty are children of color (Children's Defense Fund, 2021)

  • About 80% of children living in economically disadvantaged communities are more likely to lose reading skills over summer breaks. Loss of reading skills can often be attributed to due to a lack of access to books and other resources (Child Literacy, 2021).

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